Family Indemnity Plan

Every family must have one!

The Family Indemnity Plan of CUNA Mutual Group is a life insurance plan that protects members and their families from the costly expense of a funeral.

Thais can help provide a cash benefit which can be used as needed, giving members financial comfort when the need it most.

The plan that covers the entire family!

  • The member*
  • Member's spouse*
  • Children up to 25 years of age
  • Member's parents or spouse's parents*

Permanent disabled children will be covered for life if they apply for coverage before they turn 26 years of age.

  • Benefit for six (6) eligible family members
  • No medical examination needed
  • Affordable cost
  • Direct debit from your Credit Union account

How to Apply?

To obtain the Family Indemnity Plan, ask a member services representative  for he enrollment form.

Once you have the enrollment form, the member must fill in the required information and deliver it to the Credit Union along with their initial premium payment to obtain full coverage.

It is important that you know that as soon as you enroll in the Plan, you will still have a waiting period of six (6) months. If one of the members dies within those six (6) months, only accidental death will be paid.

For more information, contact our office.

*Must be under 70 years of age to enroll.

*Certain restrictions apply.

People Helping People

(340) 773 – 5444
P.O. Box 490, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00821-0490

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Your savings federally insured up to at least $250,000 by the NCUA
