
The Credit Union's Board of Directors is charged with overseeing the operations of the Credit Union and setting goals that they would like to see Management and Staff accomplish. The Board is comprised of volunteers that are elected by the members of the Credit Union, at the annual meeting. The Board also has the responsibility of appointing the Supervisory Committee.

The Board of Directors are:

Ronald Moorehead
Bernardin Williams
Vice Chairman
Lorraine Benjamin-Matthew
Jeanette Cochrane
Linda Bough
Board Member
Annette O'Neal
Board Member
Marjorie Macedon-Delugo
Board Member


The Supervisory Committee is the "watchdog" of the Credit Union. It is responsible for making sure that members' funds and interests are protected, and that the Credit Union's internal control procedures are adequate. The Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors from among the members of the Credit Union. It conducts an annual audit and has a continuing responsibility to ensure that the Credit Union's financial records and operations are in order.

The Supervisory Committee consists of:

Jeanette Cochrane
Supervisory Committee Chairperson
Angela Jerome
Supervisory Committee Member
Deborah Evans
Supervisory Committee Member


People Helping People

(340) 773 – 5444
P.O. Box 490, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00821-0490

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Your savings federally insured up to at least $250,000 by the NCUA
